Tuesday, October 30, 2007

For God Alone

Have you ever had those times when you feel like a fish out of water? A visitor in a strange place? Or a square peg trying your best to fit into a round hole? Personally it is one of those times for me. A time when God is and will be teaching me a lot about myself and my place in Him. This will be a time when God will stretch me and pull me out of my comfort zone. These are times when God proves Himself the most to me. It is a time of total trust and reliance upon God in my life. Are these times ever easy? No. But, these are the times in my life that I most feel alive. There will be times of extreme doubt in myself and times of questioning why. But, God will be and even now is able to handle all the doubts and all of the whys. You might say that it seems like I am speaking from a place of knowledge and confidence, and you would be correct. I've been here before. The plucking and pruning of pride, self-reliance, over-confidence from my life to be replaced by a humbled, total reliance in the power of God instead of my own. It is funny sometimes how God moves in my life just when I feel like I have it all together with a good handle on whatever situation that I am in.

There is one thing I am sure of. When God calls us to do a job, He does not give it to us without giving us the tools to accomplish the task at hand. I know that might sound old and trite but it is the one fact that I rely on to get me through the low times when I feel I will not make it.

So now the whole world has a little insight into what I am going through in my personal walk with the Lord but transparency is a good thing that can help me and possibly someone else that might find themselves at a similar spot in their walk with Christ. We are all nothing but flawed, filthy, dirty rags in need of a gracious Savior that can mend our flawed brokenness and wash our filthy dirty selves as white as snow. Only then are we made into something beautiful not for self-admiration or for others to admire but something beautiful for only the Lord Himself to take pleasure in.

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