Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Lazy Boy Church

I know that I have written about being uncomfortable before and I am about to write about it again. I am convinced that most people (notice I said most, not all) want a "lazy boy" church experience. People love to come in sit in their "lazy boy" recline, pick up the remote turn on their worship experience, drink their big gulp and be fat and happy and definitely not feel uncomfortable.

People love that "remote" because they control everything. If they like what the Pastor preaches they're happy. If not they turn it off. If they like the music they leave it on, if not they change the channel. Turn it up, turn it down, it's all about control and what makes them comfortable.

They love being given their snacks and drinks while they're in their "lazy boy". They don't want to feed themselves. They want everything given to them to eat. Because if they were responsible for their own spiritual nourishment it would make them uncomfortable. So it's up to the Pastor to feed them on Sundays and God forbid that the message is applicable to their lives because that would make them feel uncomfortable. They don't really want anything applicable to their lives because you know what? That might mean they would have to actually change something in their lives. And you know what? That would just be too darn uncomfortable. So give me something I can't really understand but sounds good that way I won't have to feel convicted about not doing it. Loving others more than myself? Well that is too hard to do because I would have to get up out of my "lazy boy" and that would make me, well you know, uncomfortable.

So in my opinion (and yes this is only my opinion) to be out on the edge, really taking risks to reach people, pushing MY pride aside, takes being uncomfortable. I don't think Christ had a comfortable life, I don't think the disciples had a comfortable life and I don't think first century Christians had a comfortable life. So, why has the church, as a whole in America traded their hammers in for a lazy boy?It's because as humans we look for the path of least resistance, the easy way, the comfortable seat. There are times when we all choose the lazy boy instead of the hammer and fortunately God's grace covers all of us. It covers us when we get it right and wrong but more is accomplished with a good ole hammer than a lazy boy ever could.

It's not comfortable to be a part of a church that does not focus on my comfort but with goal to do whatever it takes to reach a lost and dying world. That means putting myself aside. To be responsible for my growth and my spiritual nourishment and not expect to be spoon fed by the Pastor as an adult Christian. Can you imagine a person literally starving at Golden Corral (I know, you are asking yourself why he is using Golden Corral in this analogy) while sitting a table away from the largest buffet in Orlando simply because they wanted someone else to feed them when they were able to take five steps over and get the food and eat for themselves. That is the way most Christians operate in their spiritual lives. Expecting the Pastor to feed them on Sundays when they have the ability to feed themselves all week. Time to put the big gulp down.

It means giving up control of my worship experience as it is tailored to reach a lost and dying world. Because the most, most, important thing is to reach lost people. Time to put down the remote and relinquish control. When will people get it. It's not about me!

There are plenty of criticisms out there about churches that are "seeker sensitive". And I say who cares. Because every church should be sensitive to the person seeking the God of the Universe that can change their lives. And until we reach them we can not teach them. So I am proud to be uncomfortable and carry my hammer. The time for the "lazy boy" has come and gone. There is a lot of work to be done. It's time for Christians to put on their big boy pants, stop complaining about what I didn't get out of church or what recognition I didn't get for my contribution because you know what? IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU! So get out of the lazy boy and reach people. C3, it's not time for the lazy boy, it's time to be uncomfortable! Changed lives are worth our lack of comfort. No more lazy boys. Love wins!

1 comment:

Blaine Back said...

Good word. We are all guilty of this at one time or another. It just requires us to continually re-focus on what we are called to do as Christians.