Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Honor Your Parents

Good morning y'all. Tampa was nice but it was too short. I think I could have used at least two weeks away but that's OK, Andrea and I will take what we can get. You know life seems to throw you some curves at times. While away in Tampa I got a call from my sister in law telling me that my mom was in an automobile accident. If you are close to me at all you know that my mom just moved in with Andrea and me two weeks ago. Praise God, my mom was not hurt, but her confidence is not real high right now in her abilities to drive. The accident was not her fault but now she has to deal with being nervous about driving. It is so hard when you get older and you feel your independence being taken away one step at a time. My mom is 75 years old and has seemed lost to a certain extent since my Dad passed away in 2000. I was raised as an only child so the responsibility is mine when it comes to taking care of my mom. Next week she has three doctors appointments in three days. This means I must take her to them and I even have a dentist appointment for myself so you can imagine what kind of a week I will have. I am not complaining and I am not writing about it to make anyone feel sorry for me. I am writing to say this. Even though it is not easy seeing your parents grow older and having the roles reversed it is a joy to know that I am honoring my mom as God commanded. I am thankful that God has made a way that I can take care of mom and given me an understanding and loving wife that supports me as we have had to take responsibility for mom. God did not say He would make our lives easier but that He would give us the strength to endure. Yes, dealing with an aging parent is a curve ball but I believe it can be knocked out of the park. So all of the stuff that we go through sometimes on a daily basis is nothing compared to the important stuff. God, family, church, friends, it is good to have the proper order. I am glad that I can honor my mom and care for her in the latter years of her life. I love my mom. Love your parents while you can and have no regrets when they are no longer here. God has loaned them to us for a certain period of time so make the most of that loan. Honor your father and mother.

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